Change Log ========== 0.0.14 (dev) ---------------------------- * added dhp.structures.ComparableMixin to aid in creating classes with rich comparisons. * dropped support for Python3.2 0.0.13 (released 2015-12-20) ---------------------------- * integration with Appveyor CI for windows testing * :doc:`dhp.tempus` - humane time interval transforms * dhp.tempus.interval_from_delta - transform a datetime.timedelta to an interval. * dhp.tempus.delta_from_interval - transform an interval string to a datetime.timedelta object. * :doc:`dhp.cache` - a simple cache class 0.0.12 (released 2015-09-27) ---------------------------- * dhp.doq.DOQ - implemented range operator for lookups * dhp.VI - StringIO - export StringIO from the proper package based on py2/py3 * - Improved documentation. * dhp.math - Improved documentation. Improved type tolerance. int/float/decimal * test coverage improved on all submodule that were less than 100% 0.0.11 (released 2015-09-23) ---------------------------- * dhp.doq.DOQ - Duke is on the job to handle all your simple data source querying needs. 0.0.10 (released 2015-09-22) ---------------------------- * dhp.structures.DictDot - initial implementation 0.0.9 (released 2015-08-23) --------------------------- * - made case insensitive 0.0.8 (released 2015-08-19) --------------------------- * refactor of test suite now that we are using `pip install -e .` 0.0.7 (released 2015-06-27) --------------------------- * and .fuzzy_distance